
quarta-feira, 24 de março de 2010

Gulf of Aden - Seagate Project - Aaron McCollum


FACEBOOK de Aaron McCollum

Aron McCollum é um brilhante militar americano que esta se expondo neste momento para conscientizar a população sobre o que ele acredita estar acontecendo no Golfo do Aden.

Ele se considera um "membro de terceira geração do Projeto Talento MKUltra", o mesmo projeto que Duncan e O'Finioan Dave Corso fizeram parte.

Especificamente, ele esteve envolvido desde muito jovem em um programa altamente secreto chamado Projeto Seagate.

Mais sobre ele deve aparecer em uma futura entrevista.

Ele é um ex-líder de uma unidade especial para a Costa E.U. Guarda e está correndo grande risco, porque ele acredita firmemente que o momento de falar é agora.

Kerry Cassidy
27 de janeiro de 2010

Aaron McCollum, Super Soldier Aaron McCollum was born in a small town in California. From the time he was 3 years old his life was anything but normal. He was first evaluated and accepted into Project talent for the 3rd generation Super Soldier program. As a child he was subjected to various and experiments to prepare him for what was to come. At the age of 5 is when he went under his first Alter split. This was done through various techniques of electro-shock, water boarding, Psychotropic drugs and even dark rituals through the catholic church. Training for him was extensive which involved many things such as survival training, pain tolerance, weapons, hand-to-hand combat and much more. At 16 is when he received his first assignment and that was to be brought into the military under the U.S. Coast Guard. From there as in his childhood he have most of my memory blocked due to all he was a part of. He was a Black Operations operative for many missions throughout the world. He was also stationed at at least two underground facilities that he remembers one being in California and an Underwater facility off the West Coast of Puerto Rico in the Caribbean. This facility is what he had been raised for. The base is referred to as PROSEA, short for Project Seagate. The base conducts many sub-projects from interstellar travel to Time Travel to Human Hybrid generation. Some other projects he was a part of was Operation Spyglass, MSST-Bravo and Noble Eagle. His first memory of this now present life he lives is in December of 2005 where he found himself at an airport in Portland, Oregon with two bags and no memory of who he was or where he had been. Since that time he have slowly been regaining fragments of memories and information of his past by contacts of others he had worked with and a few still inside our Shadow Government.

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